What is a Career Story?
Well, it is a short story about your personal career. It might take just 5 minutes to tell someone and allow the listener to know who you are.
But there is so much about Career Stories. A good opportunity to get into the topic a little deeper is the Podcast Series of “Not Actively Looking”.
In Episode 2 co-founder and director of “Not Actively Looking”, Anthony Harling is discussing the topic with Christina Campbell and Stephan Szugat.
The recording could be found on the Not Actively Looking-Website, as well as on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
The main takeaways from the discussion are:
- Even senior executives should take advantage of developing a career story if they plan to change jobs
- A coach could help enormously to overcome nervousness and concentrate on the most important items of your CV
- Authenticity is one of the key elements of you and your career story. You like to be remembered well.
- It is not about repeating your CV over and over again. Your Personality is key.
If you like to gain more insights, click one of the links above and listen to the Podcast.
Wish you all the Best.
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