Finding Inner Joy and Happiness Through Self-Awareness in Business?

Finding Freedom Podcast, hosted by Dawn Morgan with guest Stephan Szugat
Finding Freedom Podcast, hosted by Dawn Morgan with guest Stephan Szugat

It is something we do not even think about, finding inner joy and happiness in business. Most of us might not even care about it, because managing a business is a lot of work or having a job is a necessity. We all have to make a living, right? That must be met first, before we think about inner joy and happiness.

But wouldn’t it be nice to have both at the same time? From my perspective, it would. All these days of dragging along would be over. We don’t do it, because of reasons we tell ourselves. But running a business is more than the numbers. It is about people, things you care about, and it is about you. Why not find inner joy and happiness while being in business?

In this episode of the Finding Freedom Podcast, you will find new perspectives that even in business, there is the possibility of finding inner joy and happiness. It has been my pleasure to be the guest on this episode.


  • Personal freedom is seizing control, confidently aligning decisions with values despite fearing judgement.
  • Emotional freedom is the capacity to feel and express emotions without guilt or anxiety about judgement.
  • True freedom is maintaining an open mind, exploring ideas without rigid opinions, and evolving perspectives when faced with new information. It demands humility, critical thinking, and resisting the urge to judge.
  • Freedom entails responsibility – caring for yourself, serving loved ones, and contributing to your community. It’s living intentionally, aligned with values, not recklessly. True freedom recognizes our interconnection and considers how actions impact others.
  • Freedom is cultivating self-awareness, challenging limiting beliefs, embracing imperfection, and pursuing new experiences despite initial fear.

Finding freedom is related to your decision and courage to go for it. Especially when your mind is telling you stories about that inner joy and happiness have nothing to do with business.

As said, it takes your decision. You have the power to discover your inner joy and happiness, everywhere and any time. And you have more joy and happiness inside yourself than you might believe possible. How could I say this? Well, I experienced that inner joy and happiness myself. The joy and happiness I found in myself was and is ever-increasing.

This episode will get you started to dig into the inner joy and happiness that you are. You could listen to it right here and now to start your journey to Finding Inner Joy and Happiness.

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Stephan Szugat is a former Interim-Manager for Finance & Accounting. Today he is a coach. He mainly coaches businesses about improving profits and cash-flow, as well as individuals about gaining clarity and experiencing happiness from within. Stephan started his self-help journey at the age of 17. Through his life, he learned various methods to find that the most simple things work best. Happiness is what we all seek and mostly overlook that it comes from within us. Stephan helps his clients to see and experience this inner joy as easy and simple as possible. 


Finding Freedom, the show exploring diverse perspectives on freedom—what it is, what it isn’t, and the ways it can be attained or restricted in physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions. We’ll delve into challenging topics that prompt reflection and reconsideration. Whether in life, business, or love, achieving freedom means expressing oneself authentically, choosing a life aligned with personality, and breaking free from societal expectations. Join us as we navigate the facets of freedom and discuss the paths to liberation. Are you ready to find your freedom?


Dawn Morgan, hypnotherapist and business mentor, guides individuals in discovering personal and business freedom amid life’s challenges. Having faced trauma, attacks, divorce, and more, she believes in learning and growing from every experience. Life is for living, and Dawn helps uncover the innate qualities within—hope, resilience, compassion, wisdom, and confidence—empowering others to chose growth and find their freedom.

By Stephan Szugat

For more Information about Stephan, please read the About Page